Cloud 66 Blog

Everything you need to run your code on any cloud

Archived Application out in general availability

Archived Applications allows developers to "park" their application at any time. Archiving an application saves the configuration and state of your deployment, turns your servers off, and puts your application in a state of deep-freeze.

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Kasia HoffmanKasia Hoffman

Feature Highlight: Application Ownership Transfer

Until now, this transfer was done by contacting our support team who would facilitate the necessary checks and make the application transfer. Today we are rolling out automatic application ownership transfers for all Cloud 66 accounts.

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Khash SajadiKhash Sajadi

Introducing Multi Database Support

Multi Database lets you create more than one database of the same or different type for your apps. It allows data sharing for your app where you need to keep data in a certain jurisdiction or closer to your customers, or even across different cloud providers.

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Khash SajadiKhash Sajadi
Page 27 of 153 pages