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Thank you Cloud 66'ers

Fatih MehtapFatih Mehtap
May 19th 16Updated May 19th 16
Customer Study


Following the customer survey we ran in March, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the enthusiastic Cloud 66 users who got involved. In addition to naming the winner of our coveted Cloud 66 hoodie, we also wanted to share some of the results with you publicly.

Customer surveys are incredibly important for us. They provide an objective gauge for how we're doing, let us know whether the Cloud 66 service measures up to your expectations - and most importantly, helps steer us on the areas where we could be doing a better job.

You spoke, we listened

Representation wise, we had a pretty even split between job functions and remit. Those of you who fell into the Founder/CEO/CTO category comprised 40% of all respondents, versus 54% made up of those with developer/engineering/devops/sysadmin job functions. The remaining 6% consisted of consultants.


It was great to see that so many of you had chosen Cloud 66 on the strength of the product feature set (38%), or following on from a recommendation from a colleague or friend (25%). Some of your most rated Cloud 66 features included our Git integration capability (69%), ability to scale infrastructure (65%), and the option to add managed backups to your stack (50%). On the areas for improvement, you asked for enhancements to the on-boarding experience (20%) and better technical documentation (10%). These are two of the areas we'll be prioritizing over the coming months.

One of the other cool things about getting customer feedback is how it helps us prioritize our roadmap. There were a lot of great suggestions we were able to categorize into 3 key focus areas: more integrations, additional build tools and new provisioning options. Since administering the survey, we've been able to launch a bunch of new capabilities that have included integration with Let's Encrypt, enhancing Habitus - our open source Docker buildflow tool, making multi-region backups available, and launching our multi-cloud BYOS capability.


Overall, you gave us a satisfaction rating of 7.9/10, which gave us plenty to be cheerful about. There's always room for improvement, so we fully intend to rise to the challenge of scoring better the next time we canvas your feedback.

Drumroll please...

And now for the best bit... a big congratulations to George from 1minus1.com who's the winner of our prize draw. George, we'll be in touch shortly to make sure we've got all the details needed to get our swag bag over to you asap.

While the survey was intended to capture popular opinion at a single point in time, please keep the feedback coming by letting us know what's top of mind. There's a bunch of ways you can connect with us (see below), and on behalf of everyone at Cloud 66, thank you for your continued custom and support.

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