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๐ŸŽŠ Preview Deployments

Khash SajadiKhash Sajadi
Aug 19th 21โ€ขUpdated Jul 4th 22
Ruby on Rails

Cloud 66 feature - Preview Deployments

Hot on the trail of our Rollout Strategies release, we are very excited to release another major feature for our Rails users: Preview Deployments

Many of us use Continuous Integration (CI) to automatically test our code with every git commit. Preview Deployments adds support for Continuous Deployments (CD) to all Rails applications deployed with Cloud 66.

When enabled, any Github PR, git branch, or tag that matches your configuration will be deployed to the same stack, but on a different URL. Using this URL you can check out the code running on your server before merging your PR into the main branch and deploying it to your production environment.

We think Preview Deployments will remove one of the biggest hurdles for setting up full CD environments for Rails and combined with Rollout Strategies (Blue / Green deployments and Canary releases) they are going to help many of our customers build and ship higher-quality applications to their customers.

Preview Deployments - Cloud 66 dashboard

Preview Deployments are available to all Cloud 66 Rails customers for free from today. Read how you can enable Preview Deployments for your Rails applications.

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