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Running Rails Development with a Fake Domain and SSL

Khash SajadiKhash Sajadi
Jul 7th 20
Ruby on Rails


Sometimes you need to test a feature that requires not just SSL (https) but also to run under a certain domain. For example, testing an OAuth application will mean running your development environment at the right callback URL, especially when the OAuth provider doesn't support custom callbacks. Another example is testing FIDO or WebAuthn support: not only do these features need to run via SSL, but also under the right domain, which is not where your app will typically run before it's rolled out to production.

This is a quick guide to a workaround to get your the development branch of your Rails app running via SSL and under your production URL.

The Challenge

This is somewhat challenging because it requires the following:

  1. A way to redirect your production domain to or localhost
  2. A way to run rails s on port 443 and bound to your domain name
  3. A way to generate and serve fake SSL certificates that your browser trusts

The Solution


In this example, I'm going to make the following assumptions:

  • Your development web server runs on port 3000
  • Your domain is app.acme.com
  • You are using a Mac (although most of this applies to other OSs without change).

Get Started

First, install the following tools:

Do these steps once:

brew install mkcert
brew install nss # if you use Firefox
brew install caddy

Now let's generate the certificates. In your Rails app folder, run the following:

mkcert --install
mkcert app.acme.com

The second command adds 2 files to your folder: app.acme.com-key.pem and app.acme.com.pem. Make sure to add those your .gitignore file so you don't commit them into your git repo by mistake!

Create a file in your Rails folder called Caddyfile with the following content:

reverse_proxy localhost:3000
tls app.acme.com.pem app.acme.com-key.pem

Do these every time:

Now, whenever you want to run the local server as app.acme.com do the following:

  • Add   app.acme.com to /etc/hosts and save (you need sudo rights)
  • Run your Rails server as usual: bundle exec rails s or whatever command you use.
  • On a different terminal, start Caddy: caddy

You're all set! Visit https://app.acme.com in your browser and you'll be served from your local development machine.


Remember to remove the    app.acme.com line from /etc/hosts file when you're done.

What just happened?

What we did is simple:

  • We used mkcert to generate fake certificates for your domain as well as a fake CA (Certificate Authority). Mkcert adds this fake CA to your OS so the browsers don't complain about it. You can remove this with mkcert --uninstall
  • We use Caddy to run a reverse proxy that uses this certificate and redirect the traffic to your local rails server. This is to allow your app run on port 443 like a normal HTTPS endpoint.

Pro tip

If you need to do this often, you might want to use a tool like iHosts or SwitchHosts! to create different hosts profiles and switch between them easily.

Disclaimer: I have not used these 2 tools and prefer editing /etc/hosts file manually.

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