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Workshop preview: Microservices in production? Start with the right image

Daniël van GilsDaniël van Gils
Aug 31st 16Updated Jun 12th 19


This is a sneak peek of the workshop I'll be presenting at the JAX London event in October. The aim of the workshop is to equip Docker enthusiasts with how to create the RIGHT minimal lovable image for your microservices architecture to run it in production.

I have a lot of data points from talking to and observing how Cloud 66 customers use Docker in production. And I've managed to glean some pretty interesting observations, especially around how they tackle getting their code into containers.

Taking an inside-out approach to building with Docker, I plan to give workshop attendees a framework for how to get your code into containers, streamline the Docker build flow and avoid common pitfalls when moving from dev to live environments. And our starting point will be how to create the RIGHT minimal lovable image - a concept I've talked quite a lot about in previous posts.

Getting your workflows right

Running Docker commands is one thing, but maintaining containers in production is a whole other ballgame. So you can expect us to cover production workflows in-depth, to help you navigate the wild world of a live Docker environment. With the added benefit of talking to and observing how over 900 of our customers have been using Docker in production, I’ll be presenting some of these data points and sharing our observations on how we've been helping them get it right.

And one other thing we'll do as we tackle these workflow requirements, is to use a couple of microservices case examples to build these in the language of your choice. This will give us a good grounding to go beyond the basics and help you walk away with the beginnings of your very first Docker project, armed with the tips and tactics you need as key takeaways.

Habitus, a build flow tool for Docker

To achieve the smallest possible image to start small and get smart, we're also going to be using Habitus. Habitus is an open source build flow tool for Docker. Sometimes you need more stages to achieve the RIGHT image, like removing secrets and getting compile-time dependencies in and out to leave you with the smallest possible image - one that's secure and reliable.

<img src="/content/images/2016/08/Habitus.play.banner.png"alt="IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE" width="740" height="280" border="10" />

Why are tools like Habitus important? For example, if you've got a Golang based API, you'll need to build the binary and ship the binary. But you don’t want to leave your source code inside a container. You can remove the source code, but it won't be completely inaccessible until you squash your image with the use of tools like Habitus.

We'll experiment with this during the workshop, but to give you a sense of how this works in theory, we basically will need two Dockerfiles, one for compiling:

#use the golang base image
FROM golang:1.6
MAINTAINER Daniel van Gils
#agt all the go testing stuff
RUN go get github.com/gin-gonic/gin
#switch to our app directory
RUN mkdir -p /app
#copy the source files
ADD . /app
ENV GIN_MODE=release
RUN go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o server
ENV GIN_MODE=release
CMD /app/server

and the second for production:

#use the alpine base image
FROM alpine:3.3
MAINTAINER Daniel van Gils
RUN mkdir -p /app
#copy the binary
ADD ./server /app
RUN chown daemon:daemon /app/server && chmod 700 /app/server
ENV GIN_MODE=release
USER daemon
CMD /app/server

We're using Habitus, which requires a build.yml to create a proper build flow. In a two stage process, we'll build the binary and copy the artefact inside the smallest possible image:

    version: 2016-03-14
        name: builder
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
          - /app/server
        name: api_runtime_habitus
        dockerfile: Dockerfile.production
          - builder

More on the ins-and-outs of Habitus when I host the workshop during Jax London. I look forward to sharing insights and getting hands-on to get you started creating the RIGHT minimal lovable image for your microservices architecture to run it in production.

You can signup for my JAX London workshop here.

See you there?

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