Welcome to the Cloud 66 Changelog. These are the changes that have gone out this month:
RailsRuby 3.0 support
Ruby 3.0 was released, as promised, on the 25th of December. This is a major release of Ruby with many improvements, most of which are around performance.
We added Ruby 3 support for all Cloud 66 customers, just before heading off to a locked down New Years celebration online!
We hope you enjoy using Ruby 3 for your applications. Check out our announcement blog post.
RailsRuby with jemalloc
Rails users can now elect to use a version of Ruby precompiled with jemalloc. To use this, you must specify your memory_allocator via your manifest. Once specified, you can then scale up new application servers or, if downtime is acceptable, "deploy-with-options" selecting "Apply Ruby Upgrades".
We have found jemalloc to be helpful with memory bloat in our own application. For more info we recommend reading one of the many articles about it.
As always, please be sure to test first in your non-production environment. Happy memory taming!