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Blue-Green and Canary Releases for Kubernetes

Khash SajadiKhash Sajadi
Jun 18th 24

Today I am very happy to announce the general availability of Blue Green and Canary releases for Kubernetes on Cloud 66. Allowing Blue Green and Canary releases for Kubernetes is the result of months of hard work by the team here at Cloud 66 and I am very pleased with the results. We wanted our Blue Green and Canary releases to be simple to use and I think we have found the sweet spot between flexibility and ease of use.

Today we are also rolling out Preview deployments to GA for all our customers. Preview deployments allow you to deploy a new version of your application based on a Pull Request or a branch in your Git repository. This is a great way to test your application before merging your changes into your main branch.

What are Blue Green deployments?

Blue Green deployment is a method of deploying the latest version of your application to your servers, while keeping a copy of the old version running. This allows you to switch between the two versions of your application with zero downtime. This is a great way to deploy your application with minimal risk. You can choose between immediate or delayed release of your new code (Green) to user users. An immediate release will rollout the new code to all users, while keeping the old code (Blue) running on the server, in case you need to rollback. A delayed release will rollout the new code only to those with a specific URL or coming from a specific source (IP, VPN, etc). This is a great way to test your new code in production before releasing it to all users.

What is a Canary release?

Canary release is a method of deploying the latest version of your application to a small subset of your servers, while keeping the old version running on the rest of your servers. This allows you to test your new code in production before releasing it to all users. This is a great way to deploy your application with minimal risk. You can choose the percentage of visitors that will see the new code (Canary) and the percentage that will see the old code.

How to use Blue Green and Canary releases on Cloud 66

For more information on how to use Blue Green and Canary releases on Cloud 66, please check out our documentation.


Blue Green, Canary Releases and Preview deployments are available to all Cloud 66 customers from today and for free. We hope you enjoy using these new features and we look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to reach out to the team.

Happy coding!

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