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Changelog 28 May 15

Kasia HoffmanKasia Hoffman
May 28th 15Updated May 29th 15


Take a few minutes and check the latest changes at Cloud 66!

Enhanced protection for "logjam"

Logjam is a security vulnerability in the shared Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and it can theoretically be used to downgrade the encryption level of secure traffic. Now all stacks have a personal /etc/ssl/private/dfparams.pem file generated locally, and will have corresponding security changes applied to their Nginx config during their next deployment. Note that existing stacks with user-customized Nginx configs will require user intervention to update (as per the instructions in the link) - get in touch if you need help with applying the update.

Linode Singapore

In April, Linode opened a new datacentre in Singapore. This is a good news for developers located in South Asia, India, Australia and surrounding regions, as they can now easily deploy to a closer datacenter using Cloud 66.

AWS US-East-1E

AWS has a new zone available, AWS us-east-1e. As requested by you, this is now supported by Cloud 66.

Stacks created via the cx toolbelt

With this update, the stacks created through the cx toolbelt can now upload and download the services_yaml and manifest_yaml generated. Note that manifest yaml changes still require new stacks to be build most of the time, but can be used as the seed for new stacks.

What's on

  • Join our online event with Cloud A (10th of June).
    To find out more about how to roll out Cloud 66 containers on Cloud A and take a part in our webinar discussion, RSVP.

  • DevOps Masterclass, London meetup (11th of June).
    Join our event to find out more about container management and what happens to your code after you ship it? Meet awesome developers, listen to the interesting talks and of course, enjoy free beer and pizza. :) RSVP.

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